Look at the Calendar

If you're thinking of scheduling a meeting, party, event or mixer, don't. You're too late.

It's December 1. Most people have already booked their evenings for the month, especially since it's a long Christmas week this year (since Christmas falls on a Thursday, most folks will be bowing out of the office and out of town on Friday, the 19th).

So, if you wanted to get in one more board meeting or make a big announcement, save it. You'll be lucky to get 30% of your invite list to show up.

Instead, go ahead and pick a January date. January is wide open for most people right now, so your event will be better. Attendance will be nearly perfect. You'll get more done, especially because you'll be in the back of people's minds between now and then. So, while they're looking for an escape from the craziness of shopping and family, they just might brainstorm on how to improve performance in 2009.

Use these next few weeks to get ready for next year. The economy probably won't improve (judging from any of these bleak headlines). It will be harder to sell things and services, and your clients will demand more from you. Any time you spend now planning for an unpredictable 2009 will have you ahead of the curve, especially in time for next year's December. This year's December? It's already here. It's done with. Move on.

Off to take my own advice...

Book Review: Creating Magic by Lee Cockerell

If It's Not About Marketing or Fundraising, Then It's About Leadership