A COOL Few Days

For those looking to get their hands on a signed copy of our new book, come out to any of these gatherings coming up:

Saturday, November 3: Net Impact Conference, Nashville, TN - You've got to register for this one, but if you have, come check out my panel on Saturday at 1:45 entitled, "Social Change Movements: How to Spread the Word and Keep it Moving." I'll be signing books afterwards.

Monday, November 5: Davis-Kidd Bookstore, Nashville, TN - At 6 PM, you can enjoy music from Thom Schuyler, and then Stephen and I will be sharing a bit from the book.

Tuesday, November 6: Bound to Be Read Books, Atlanta, GA - At 7:30, you can check out a cool local bookstore and meet me and Stephen. Free car decals to anyone who comes up and tells us their favorite thing to put on a hotdog.

Saturday, November 10: Rock for Hunger, Orlando, FL - We're taking the CoolPeopleCare revolution to Orlando next weekend for a great concert for a great cause. Stop by our booth for exclusive shirts you can't get anywhere else.

And, if you want us to come where you are, just tell us!

Things to Check Out - 11.1.07

Things to Check Out - 10.31.07