For the third installment of Book Week 2010, I'm turning over the reigns to author Richard Dedor. This post is part of the Blog Tour for Richard’s new book, Anything is Possible. Want to learn more about Richard? Visit his blog, Finding Focus and follow him on Twitter. Take it away, Richard!
In honor of Sam's book, New Day Revolution: How to Save the World in 24 Hours, I wanted to write about how to change your life in the same amount of time.
I could be all grand and tell you to quit your job right now and go after your dream cold-turkey. But Sam told you not to do that a few weeks ago and I agree with him. What I'm talking about are smaller and much simpler changes you can make to alter the course of your life.
One of the biggest things I've done is develop a system for managing and tracking my activities. I'm not micro-managing my life, but I'm making myself accountable for the goals I want to achieve.
What about you? I believe there are three simple things you can do to change the course of your life right now.
First you must set some goals. Real measurable goals. I'm not one to give you a cookie-cutter sheet for you to fill in and check off. I believe you just need to find something you want. If you want to be able to run longer, start running. Read running blogs. Join a running club. If you want to read more or go back to school or start your own business, you just have to write it down, create some time markers and get going.
Second you have to be willing to work. I hate to say it, but life is work. It takes hours upon hours to become good at something, let alone great. Sam has also written about how best to use your free time. Last year I lived by that philosophy and it about drove me crazy. This year I'm making a change to use my time more wisely and that's where my personal tracking comes into play.
Finally, you can't do this alone. You need a team of people who believe in you and another group of people who constantly push you. When you start to chase after dreams you will get tired. You will get discouraged. You will want to quit. But if you have this strong team behind you, they will lend their shoulders to help you achieve your dreams.
You can change your life and it can begin today.
Want to win a copy of Richard's book? Just leave a comment stating one thing you want to change, start, or do. I'll pick one random entry an announce the winner next week! Or, tweet your response to me at @SamDavidson.
Or, if you want to buy Richard's book, click on the image below.