Collaboration is better than competition

Chris Brogan shared this video this morning. I was mesmerized for four minutes:

For me, this video shows the power of working together - of collaborating. It's something we never do enough of. For whatever reason, we're always quick to compete against others. We ask, "How can I be better than them?" instead of "How can we work together to be better than either of us can be alone?"

Nonprofits and churches are the worst at this. Sure, there are shining examples (which tend to be those organizations I really admire), but for the most part, tax-exempt institutions seem protective of beliefs, donors, and ideas.

What a shame.

Imagine if churches - by banding together - could feed more hungry people, clothe more naked people, and provide community for more lonely people. "But they don't think the same thing about baptism as we do," one church says. "And they think differently about inerrancy."

Meanwhile, people starve, freeze, and face life alone.

Thankfully, our artistic community comes to the rescue, as seen in this video. Song writers are notorious for teaming up and writing music together. Pastors rarely write sermons together. The result? A world full of beautiful harmonies and crappy homilies.

Working together - it's not socialism. It's community.

The price of intimacy is reckless abandon

I'm just saying