Expands to Atlanta


NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- The creators of, a philanthropic Web site based in Nashville, Tenn., today announce the expansion of the Web site to Atlanta, Ga. This is the seventh featured city for CoolPeopleCare, which already features nonprofit and charitable events in Tennessee for Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, as well as Birmingham, Ala. and Boston, Mass.

Sam Davidson, President and Co-founder of the company, says, "Launching in Atlanta is very exciting for us. There are a lot of people in Georgia who want to give back to their local communities and now they have a great resource to show them how."

Launched in August 2006 in Nashville, is an offering of CoolPeopleCare, Inc., a company started by Davidson and Stephen Moseley, Vice-President. With more than 15 nonprofit partners and over 1,000 events already listed in their other 6 cities, Atlanta extends the site's presence in the southeast.

Since its launch, the site has served more than 125,000 visitors. Davidson says, "As our popularity grows, we want to be able to provide our users with the best experience as they actively search for ways to change the world. Our ultimate aim is to connect willing individuals with great nonprofits and opportunities near them so that everyone benefits. And we'd eventually love to offer this all across the United States."

The Web site's signature feature, "5 Minutes of Caring," is a 99-word daily article featuring helpful hints, practical tips and links to inform readers of the many ways in which they may make a difference in less than five minutes a day. Those who come for this information are directed towards ways to make a difference in their local communities, through an "Act Locally" events calendar.

To find charitable events and volunteer opportunities, or to list information about your nonprofit, visit

Seeing Some GA and AL

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