P Is For People

Young professional groups are on the rise in communities large and small, and if there's not a YPO (young professional organization) near you, you need to start one. Your city, church or nonprofit needs it if theyre going to be around in the next 10 years.

Many YPOs have become integral threads in the tapestry of local communities. Young people are invited to the table when city council discusses green initiatives, when the mayor wants better urban development, or when nearly anyone wants to get elected. The movement is growing, and its influence along with it.

But, one thing all YPOs must ask is, "Who’s missing?"

This is an important question for any civic organization to ask when it claims to speak on the behalf of any segment of the population. Of course, no one group can consistently speak on behalf of every single person it is supposed to represent, but such a claim can't be made if certain people haven't been involved from the start...

Read the rest at YPCommons.org.

CoolPeopleCare Weekly Roundup (10/15-10/19)

Things to Check Out - 10.20.07