This article, in an Australian newspaper, cites a recent Red Cross study that concluded people don't have time to volunteer.
This isn't a big shocker, especially if you've been hit up to spare an hour or two somewhere recently and have declined the opportunity because it's tax time, things are busy at work, the kids are acting up, or this week just isn't good.
And while the survey does highlight that folks are busy, it also proves that the volunteer opportunities that sustained us then won't sustain us now.
So, nonprofits can do one of two things. They can keep the same opportunities with the same qualifications and commitments, or they can innovate and find new solutions to their dearth of (avail)able hands.
Sadly, very few entities out their are thinking of creating new initiatives or endeavors in order to accommodate a busier, more digital lifestyle. Today, people may not have two hours, but they may have one. Or half of one.
The problem isn't always that people simply aren't buying. They may just not want (or can't afford) what you're selling.