Proof: It's in the Branding

Hi. My name is Sam. And I start things.

I imagine this is how EA (Entrepreneurs Anonymous) starts each meeting. I actually don't think there is such a thing.

Maybe I'll start it.

I'm not sure what the deal is. Maybe it's how I'm wired, maybe it's in my blood, or maybe it's going around. Regardless, I take sheer delight in starting things, be they businesses, ideas, organizations, events, or books.

But not fights. Never have, never will.

I'm proud to announce that this week, we opened Proof, a full-service branding solution for your nonprofit, small business, or big dream.

It's the brainchild of Matt Cheuvront and I, fueled by the good design handiwork of Rob Williams and assisted by the talented people listed here. It's the convergence of the last two or so years of my work and my network. Cool People Care has opened the doors to speaking, consulting, and marketing work and it's time I had a place to house it all.

Proof is that place.

For us, we believe that brands need to be finely crafted. In our world where media is democratized and nearly anyone can tell anyone else about anything at all, people talk about brands. We're surrounded by them. We wear them and use them and share them and enjoy them.

So who's talking about your brand?

If you don't know the answer to that question, or you need help changing the answer to that question, we can help.

I see opportunity and turn it into possibility. I hope to do the same with many more organizations down the road.

One Shot

Going Big