A lot can be (and has been) said about Obama's election to the presidency this week. But much more has been felt.
And I feel a sense of pride, a sense of hope and a lot of optimism for the future. There's a lot to look back on about this campaign - but there's a lot more to look at.
The power of image - like the power of music - has the ability to touch us in ways that words can't. So, as inspired as I've been when watching videos of Obama speak, I'm touched a bit deeper when I see the images that have come out of this campaign.
Here's a quick run-down of what I mean. I hope you, too, are inspired:
- Photographer Callie Shell followed Obama for quite some time. Click here to see very candid photos of the President-Elect. (Be sure to keep clicking the "Show More Images" button at the bottom.)
- Here are 10 Really Artsy Photos of People Voting. I don't really care about pictures of people voting, but I can't stop staring and the final photo (ranked number 1). What must the man on the far left be thinking and feeling?
- Boston.com has 35 photos of Obama over the past several months. While these border on Messianic, you can't help but feel confident, inspired and safe in an Obama administration.
- And, best of all, American classrooms are changed forever. The images that line cinder block classrooms finally speak to so many.