A few weeks ago, I heard a keynote speech by Rodger Dinwiddie, CEO of STARS. He said:
We don't need to just teach self esteem in schools; we also need to teach empathy. Prisons are full of people with high self esteem but low empathy.
When I heard this, I thought the same thing about passion.
It's not enough to merely have a passion; we need to live it as well.
The world is full of people with a passion, but so few people live it out. Remember: this doesn't mean that you turn your passion into a career. It simply means you chase it down, whether its on the weekend or for a week each summer.
When you begin to live out your passion, you live more passionately. And this is what the world needs.
I need you to live out your passion, to be your best self, and to fulfill your destiny. When you do, I become better, too.