Get ready for this:
- Consider fasting a bit for Thanksgiving.
- Thanks to Jamey for the link.
- And to Ginger for the link.
- Same goes for KentuckyDeb.
- The nonprofit job market is growing faster than the private sector. But you already knew this.
- A 102-year-old woman takes all of her clothes off.
- Ryan Paugh tells us what it's like to work for a start-up in a new city.
- Speaking of start-ups, you'll love this edition of Indexed.
- Here are the 10 most fascinating urinals.
- Lynnette has started a moments of gratitude series.
- This week's Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants is up.
- Get ready to hear more about nonprofits in the upcoming election.
- More and more young people want to pave their own road.
- Thanks to Ethics Daily for running our book excerpts.
- Dixon has a great story about sharing the (real) history of Thanksgiving with his son.
- Rosetta Thurman has a fantastic analysis of Gen Y in the nonprofit workplace.
- Blair draws the line between good and bad theology.