Hey folks: three interesting things to read this weekend (and a bonus thing to listen to). Happy travels.
You're not as smart as you think
Blame it on evolution. Actually, don't. Because you're just a "confident idiot" and you don't know all that much. Maybe ask for help more?
World's strongest man
I used to watch these competitions on ESPN a lot. Here's a fascinating glimpse on what it's like to be an athlete like this.
Bonus: An interview with me on Writer's Rough Drafts
This was a fun chat I did with Elisa Doucette. Stick with it until the end when my rapid fire answers send me into an existential crisis a time or two.
Let young people lead
Like, really lead. Add them to your boards of directors, nonprofits. Like, yesterday, even.
If you've got something worth reading, share below (or hit reply via email). I'd love to take a look. And if you go shopping this weekend, be kind.
Programming Note: (because I know you care)
No blog posts this coming week. Enjoy Christmas or Festivus or whatever you feel like celebrating.