Yes Matters

Here's a cool story from my friend Elizabeth Crook about the power of saying yes and where that's taken her:​

Have you ever found yourself wishing you had a different seat at a party?  Had a different colleague for a project?  A different set of companions for a trip?
That’s the way I felt when Kim handed me her business card which read AARP.  If I’d said NO, I wouldn’t be here heading to the studio to be the re-imagine expert on Jane’s show, which is part of a new AARP initiative aimed at the youngest Baby Boomers (50 – 59).  Jane was the long-time host of the TODAY show, if you’re too young to remember.

A lot of times, we'll want to say no (I have an entire chapter about this in Simplify Your Life​). But, we're at our best when we say yes and say it for the right reasons. 

Offering "No!" as a knee-jerk reaction is bad for business and bad for us. But, answering the invitation with the right kind of "Yes" can open doors untold.​

Of course, saying yes may take other forms. It may look like:​

  • Replying to email
  • Answering your phone when it rings
  • Agreeing to meet a new person for coffee
  • Trying that new restaurant
  • Attending a different conference
  • Offering to lead a workshop, even if it's for free

What can you say yes to today? And where could it take you?​

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