Last month, Felix Baumgartner jumped from outer space (see my recap post here about overcoming personal hurdles). In this interview with the Today show, he discusses the jump and how he felt about it. Fast forward to the question asked at the four-minute mark.
"Did you enjoy the jump from space?" Baumgartner is asked. Very frankly, he replies that he didn't.
For him, this was work. It wasn't fun.
We want so badly for all work to be fun, but sometimes, it simply won't be. Not even if we're attracting international attention and setting world records.
Of course, it's well worth trying our best to find jobs that are fun, but entertainment isn't the only reason to love something. You may also love what you do because of the difference it's making, because you're the best at it, or because others respect and admire your work.
By all means - chase something that's fun. But don't run the minute something stops being pure recreation. Look for all the ways in which your passion can take shape, even on those days when it feels like work.