Editing Your Life

As I read through this link-bait article on "104 Ways to Boost Your Energy," I'm reminded by how much misery or stress in our own lives could be eliminated by us merely taking charge and reclaiming the time and space to be ourselves.​

Check it out - from the article, here are all the suggestions that have to do with editing or getting rid of something in our lives that isn't beneficial and that could be contributing to our own lethargy or unhappiness:​

  • 28. No email first thing in the morning
  • 40. Do less
  • 42. Eliminate advertisements
  • 43. Limit use of electronics
  • 44. Say no
  • 46. Shorten emails
  • 51. Buy less packaging
  • 65. Take a news fast
  • 74. Release fear

The beauty, of course, is that all of these can be taken out of our lives with simple initiative. None of them require major surgery, large investments, or even years of our lives. ​

They just require the will to act. ​

Which will you eliminate this week?​

Invest More Than Money

Failure is Not Final