Here are some of the stories I read this morning:
- Three Myths About Gen Y Employees
- This guy is suing a nonprofit that did free work on his home. They came in (a la Habitat) and offered to weatherize his house for the winter.
- I'm adding this book about nonprofit management to my reading list.
- The Worst Boss of the Year award goes to Dave Roberts, Vice President of Manufacturing for Tennessee Apparel. He won't let Pam Melson take unpaid leave in order to donate a kidney. That's right - she's giving up a kidney to a friend and is only asking that she can come back to work after the operation. She's not even asking for pay while she's not working.
- Here's what teens think about heaven. Or at least 1,000 of them.
- This is an interesting Washington Post piece about the power of star power when it comes to charitable causes.
- Go see what the world eats.