What I Sent: Team Email on February 26, 2021

What I Sent: Team Email on February 26, 2021

Every Friday I email the entire Batch team with a series of updates about the company, including what I’m learning and how I’m applying that to leading. Here is the email for Friday, February 26, 2021.

Email Icon.png

I've only ever read one book twice: Atomic Habits.

It's becoming an annual Q1 read for me and the kind of book where each time you read it something new and valuable jumps out. This week it was the idea of habit stacking.

Clear's main thesis is that high levels of productivity and success aren't due to willpower alone, but rather a system that makes productivity and success much more likely (sounds like he's been reading Gawande, amiright?). So, if you want to create a new routine, stack the new activity on the back of something else.


  • I will meditate for five minutes each morning after I pour my cup of coffee

  • I will do 10 push ups after I brush my teeth

You get the picture.

This was a handy reinforcement of Seth Godin's post this week and his take, "Possibility begets more possibility. Opportunities multiply."

Where am I going with this?

This week we got several great inbound corporate leads to the website, but the one that stood out was from yet another department at a repeat-customer company who wants to work with us. And how did she find us? "Longtime fan, customer."

We can spend a lot of money on advertising (and we will, especially to get new ones in the door), but our customers stack. One great experience leads to another, and another, and thousands more.

Do it right and they'll come back. In fact, they won't even look anywhere else.

What I Said: St. Joseph’s University on February 28, 2021

What I Said: St. Joseph’s University on February 28, 2021

Brain Snacks 035: For to with

Brain Snacks 035: For to with