#033: Success Shouldn't be a Surprise

The restaurant service is slow. "We didn't think all these people would show up today," the manager apologizes to each table.

The store clerks don't pay attention to you. "We're restocking the shelves because we're selling so much," they tell their supervisor once customers start to leave the store empty-handed.

The auto repair shop can't get to your car until another day or two. "We're just too slammed," the mechanic tries to explain to you.

I have no patience for poor service or attention due to success. This - big sales, lots of customers, tidy profits - is what every business owner and leader dreams about. 

Success should never come as a surprise. As a leader, this should be your chief expectation.

Don't let success catch you off guard or you won't experience it for long.

Friday Quote from James Hillman

#032: Stop with the Judgement