Routine Examination #002: Beth Chase

Over the last year, I've had the very distinct honor of getting to know Beth Chase, who is the CEO and founder of c3 Consulting, a firm that is well known beyond Nashville. Time and again, Beth is awarded for her work and accomplishments and stays busy at work and with her family while also serving on the board with various nonprofits she believes in. 

It's always a special delight when I run into her around town (or in an airport or in California - all of these have happened), so I'm very excited she decided to jump on board for this Routine Examination series.

What do you do when you wake up each morning? 

I’ve become an early riser. I typically bounce out of bed around 5AM. It’s so peaceful at that time of day. I brew a cup of coffee and grab my MacBook Air. I read emails, take a peek at my calendar for the day, look at news, and typically reflect on a strategic work topic – some sort of puzzle that we are currently trying to solve. This is my very best think time. I am full of energy and able to focus! 

What is the last thing you do before “leaving” work for the day? 

Tidy up my desk, look at my calendar for the next day, scan through any unopened emails, text my husband, and start thinking about dinner! 

What type of routine do you look to set? 

I definitely have a weekly routine with recurring leadership meetings on my calendar every Monday to start the week off right. The rest of the week varies based upon client and c3 needs. Personally, I love my Saturday routine! That’s my “just for me” day which includes errands, a workout, mani/pedi, meals with friends, and time with my family. On Sundays, I always do the Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle (and try not to cheat). I really look forward to this puzzle every week. It forces me to sit down and relax (which is hard for me to do!). 

On the other hand, too much routine is bad for me - B-O-R-I-N-G. I love a real mix of rituals and variety. I despise a rut! My husband and I are foodies and travelers so we are on–the–go all of the time, rarely repeating the same place (with a few exceptions around our favorite restaurants and travel spots). 

What do you wish were a part of your routine? 

I really wish I could get up and workout every morning even if it’s just a walk. I love the idea of it, but have not yet made it happen. 

What thing do you have to do in your personal life every day? 

I have a strong desire to say “good morning,” “good night,” and “I love you” to my husband every day. I need that. It makes me feel good (I’m hoping he feels the same!). 

My takeaway: Routine matters at home as much as it does at work.

View all past Routine Examination interviews here.

Too Busy to Lead

#019: Leaders Stay Stimulated