Sustainable in More Ways Than One

Note: I've started guest blogging at, a site dedicated to strengthening young professional groups and the young professional movement. You can find me there every Monday. Below is an excerpt of my first post, in honor of Blog Action Day.

Companies have gone green, recycling is easier than ever before, being carbon conscious is better than being carb conscious, bands tour on biofuel buses, and sustainability is the way to go. And the coolest part? Young people are at the forefront of this movement.

While young people have historically been at the helm of many revolutions, today's green movement should make cities sit up and take notice. Here are three reasons communities should listen when their younger citizens talk about the environment:

Read the rest at YPCommons.

Things to Check Out - 10.15.07

CoolPeopleCare Weekly Roundup (10/8-10/12)