The Revolution is Young - and It's Getting Educated

During the past week, when people have asked how things have been going, I reply with my usual, "Great!" and then proceed to discuss how I've got a full plate of speaking gigs.

Today, I discussed why nonprofits need to think about Gen Y at a strategic level. Sunday, I'll speak with student service professionals - those at college campuses working with Gen Y. Monday has me in Charleston talking about how nonprofits can market themselves to Gen Y. Then, on Wednesday, I'm speaking to 400 high school students (Gen Y'ers, obviously) about making a difference.

And as much as I talk about and to Gen Y and those who deal with them, I get the feeling I'm on to something. I see and feel something among this generation to save the world.

And now I'm glad to hear that educational institutions are seeing it too, offering education at the undergraduate levels to students interested in working in the nonprofit sector.

A quick read of the NY Times article shows how this generation is motivated and interested in making a difference. And now they're getting the education that enables them to do so with great results.

Watch out. I will be.

Update: A friend at the Nashville Public Library Foundation sent over this link, which notes that there are now over 230 colleges which offer courses in nonprofit studies.

How to Network at a Conference

Why Nonprofits Should Market to Gen Y