You Must Make Time for You

On my calendar, I enter appointments for when I'm running errands, writing for fun, watching TV, working out, and doing nothing. That may seem like it kills spontanaeity, but it also means I'll take time for me. Otherwise, an open slot on a calendar means it can be booked. Or that extra work can be done.

Maybe it's not romantic, but it's guaranteed. And if you miss out on time for you, you'll add to your stress. That's very unromantic.

Do the hard work for making time for yourself by literally penciling yourself in. Then, once rejuvenated, you'll be able to tackle everything else on your calendar.

Do tell: what tips do you have to make sure you have "me" time? Do you have a routine? Have a friend hold you accountable? What's your secret?

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Stop Asking "How Was Your Day?"

ROI? Screw ROI (for love)