Opportunity Only Knocks on the Door of Community

Opportunity Only Knocks on the Door of Community


Too many of us are sitting back, waiting for inspiration to strike and the “right” opportunity to present itself. “Then,” we tell ourselves, “will I be able to write the novel, get the girl, close the deal, change the world, or improve my life.”

It was Thomas Jefferson who told us, “We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Thus, if you want opportunity to knock, build a door. She’ll only show up to knock when the hard work of preparation and creation is complete.

But what should that door be?

The astute Ben Casnocha observes, “Opportunity is attached to a person. Opportunities do not float like clouds in the sky. They’re attached to people. If you’re looking for an opportunity — including one that has a financial payoff — you’re really looking for a person.”

You build your network before you need it. That construction - and that construction alone - will create more opportunities than waiting ever will.

The amount of opportunities to change your life will rise and fall in direct proportion to the size of your community. More people = more opportunities.

(h/t: James Clear and his useful weekly newsletter)

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