Nonprofits and Social Media: Time to Save the World

Between now and the end of the month, I'm offering the digital version of my newest book for free. Seriously. Just click here.

You'll find 40 pages about how and why nonprofits can use social media to change the world. A few thoughts on this:

  • This book was the result of the last 18 months. During that time, I've led workshops, given keynote speeches and blogged a bit on the tools that nonprofits can use to reach a younger generation.
  • But, during that time, Facebook became mainstream and now it's a tool to reach people in any generation. The questions I got during my first workshops in 2007 like, "Are you sure this is a good tool to reach young people?" don't come up any more. People are now familiar with the terms and tools and are eager to try them out.
  • The first part of this book talks about a strategy. I firmly believe that without knowing why you're using social media, you'll fail. You'll waste time and get upset. So, the first part of the book walks you through a proven method to develop a strategy that will then help you determine if blogging, Facebook, online video, or any other tool is right for you.
  • We also take into account things like your staff's available time, its knowledge of what's out there, and what your long-term goals are. I also think this is what makes me different than other social media "gurus." I know the reality of what it's like to work in a nonprofit - the constraints and challenges related to budgets, staffing, and the fact that nearly everyone in most any nonprofit wears multiple hats.
  • There is a print version for sale. It costs us money to print it, so we have to charge for it. If you prefer the feel of a book in your hands over the clicks of a mouse as you read, you can buy it here.
  • You'll notice that even with the digital format, we offer a paid version of this book. That's because I plan on updating it regularly as platforms change, come and go. So, if you shell out $5 for the digital version, I'll send you the updates whenever they're made so you have the newest info at your fingertips.

I hope you enjoy it. It's not meant to be exhaustive. It's an introduction, a primer, and something to get you thinking about the bigger picture before you go signing up for new accounts, unsure of what you're doing. Like most everything in life, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

And, if you're looking for some hands-on training, take a look at my speaking schedule for the fall. I'm sure you can catch me somewhere, especially at the Center for Nonprofit Management. We're launching the Digital Media Institute for Nonprofits on Monday. We'll be covering things like a social media strategy, online video, e-Newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and blogging. A complete list of those workshops is here.

Just remember this: social media is never an end in itself for a nonprofit; it's merely a means to your larger goal of saving the world.

Friday Quick Hits - 9.25.09

Tips for Staying Smart: Read a Hard Book