New Podcast Title and Focus

​Over the last month, I've had a chance to regroup and take an earnest look at my podcast. With 15 episodes under my belt, I took a month off to determine what I was doing well, what parts were best, and what the next steps should be.

And now, I'm happy to announce that I'm back with a new title: Leadership Does. (I mean, what else would it be, right?)​

Each episode will examine something leaders do. I'll try as much as possible to include experts and leaders I admire. ​

Today's episode is a short one, kicking off this new chapter. Give it a listen below.​

I share quotes and ideas from Robert Greenleaf and Seth Godin, both relating to doing the work that's needed (which, in my book, will create a leader out of you). ​

A quote you may enjoy repeating: "The key differentiation of leadership is not an election; it's an action."​

Thanks for listening!​

When Rules Aren't Right

Seek Difficulty